Vacant Trustee and Treasurer Positions
The election of Trustee John Berak to the Vice-President position on the Executive Board created a vacancy in the Trustee position. Also, Treasurer Rafael Quintero’s retirement created a vacancy in the Treasurer position. Per the Union Constitution, the Union Executive Board nominates and elects members to fill vacancies for these positions during unexpired terms.
At the January 7th E-Board meeting, Sister Barbara Armand was nominated and elected to fill the vacant Treasurer position. Also, the members below were nominated to fill the vacant Trustee position:
Ameer Khan
Travis Morancie
David Blum
The Executive Board elected Travis Morancie to fill the vacant Trustee position. Congrats to Barbara and Travis and thanks to all who were considered.
Holiday Party 2019 – Pictures
The Holiday Party 2019 Pictures have been posted. We had a great time and thanks to all who helped to make another great AFSCME event!