For 20 months, we have answered the call on the front lines of this pandemic. We stood together to demand PPE, to protect our jobs and to fight for funding for public services. We know the power of joining together in a union and having a seat at the table.
Yet in about half of the states, public service heroes don’t have a voice on the job or basic workplace protections we deserve. That’s why Congress has reintroduced the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act, which would set a minimum nationwide standard of collective bargaining rights for public service workers that states must provide.
Momentum is with us — a wave of working people across the country are mobilizing and even striking for better working conditions and respect on the job. There’s no better time to join together and demand what we deserve — the freedom to sit down with the boss and negotiate a fair contract.
Congress is going to need a strong push from all of us to pass this legislation. I hope you’ll join me in building support for the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act.
In solidarity,
Lee Saunders AFSCME
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