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We have reached a tentative 3-year agreement with the City after many months of negotiations.  Highlights from the proposed changes are below.  Stay tuned for more info.

Wage increases for all bargaining agreements:

A maximum of 4% in FY16 and FY17 and 1% in FY18.   In FY16 and FY17, 2.5% is COLA and 1.5% is tied to merit. FY18 is 1% COLA only, no merit.

If you are over the wage scale for your position…which is calculated on base pay (minus all longevity and any certification pay), the COLA portion will be paid as a lump sum. All wage increases will be paid on Oct 1st from now on. No more waiting until your annual review.

Also, the implementation of pay ranges and classifications based on the Evergreen Study (with additional negotiated modifications). More info will be coming out soon.


No change in employee contribution.  Any employee hired after ratification of this agreement will not have their premiums paid by the City in retirement.

Union and City agrees to meet to discuss alternative health care plans during the duration of the agreement.


Change the normal retirement date from age 60 with 30 years of service to 30 years of service regardless of age.


Early voting for the Pension Board is in progress, and word is that the turnout has been low.  It is important that AFSCME covered employees vote to ensure that the Board includes voices from the rank and file who will stand up for our negotiated retirement benefits.  There is currently only 1 employee on the Pension Board that is covered by AFSCME (non-management).  Please make sure to show up and make your voice heard.


Monday, February 1, 2016 through Friday, February 5, 2016

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day

Employees’ Retirement Fund Pension Office

City Hall Annex Building, 2nd Floor



Tuesday, February 9, 2016

7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

City Hall Main Entrance, 1st Floor – East Side

In Solidarity,

Christopher Cassidy, President

AFSCME Local 2432

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AFSCME Local 2432

2734 Hollywood Boulevard

Hollywood, Florida 33020



Tel: 954-381-1519

We are available in person by appointment: On the South Side of Hollywood Boulevard just west of 26th Avenue behind the old Town Drug. There is plenty of parking at the rear of the building.

The Union Hall is now only open by appointment. Please contact your staff (posted on union boards) for any issues.

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