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Local 2432 Update – Evergreen, Negotiations, and more

Evergreen has completed the draft compensation study for the General Bargaining Unit. The Union is scheduled to meet with the City on Thursday, September 3rd @ 2 PM in City Hall room 215 for Evergreen to present their findings.  Click here to read the draft report ->> Draft Report – Compensation Study for the City of Hollywood FL (AFSCME).

Professional and Supervisory Bargaining Units negotiation session is scheduled for this Tuesday, September 1st @ 2 PM in City hall room 215.

The City held a Joint City/CRA workshop in which the CRA has agreed to work with the City to give back money to the City’s General Fund.  Hats off to Commissioner Callari for pointing out that it is very disappointing that this offer wasn’t made during “Financial Urgency” (FU). The CRA’s response was basically – nobody asked (seriously).

Any General Bargaining Unit members who are due a FY 2015 merit increase (not topped out), but either has a past due performance review, or has received a satisfactory review but has not received their PA for the increase, please contact HR if you have not already. President Chris Cassidy has brought this issue to the attention of Tammie Hechler, HR Director,  who has sent the message to the Departments to process the PA’s per the contract.

Finally, please see the message below from AFSCME International President Lee Saunders about an upcoming Town Hall meeting for the 2016 Presidential election.

Friends,We’re going to hear a lot of talk from the Presidential candidates in the year before the election. But as working people and union members, how many opportunities will we have to ask them about the issues that matter most to us?On Saturday, Sept. 5, and Sunday, Sept. 6, AFSCME will host a series of town halls with 2016 Presidential candidates. We invited all the candidates whohavechosentoparticipate in our endorsement process to sit down with us and take our questions.We are excited to meet with Secretary Hillary Clinton and Gov. Martin O’Malley that weekend. We are continuing to work with Sen. Bernie Sanders to join us this weekend as well.This is our chance to make sure the next President hears our voices.This event is open only to AFSCME working members and retirees, so we’ll have the candidates’ full attention.The town halls will occur in Iowa, but you can join us online by registering here with your AFSCME membership number.

If you don’t have your membership number, here are some ways that you can find it:

  1. On your AFSCME membership card

  2. On the mailing label of your WORKSmagazine

  3. Call Membership Services at 1-855-AFSCME1 (1-855-237-2631) betweenMonday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET.

  4. Request your membership number be emailed to you when you register. (Note: this may cause a delay in your registration being processed.)

It’s more important than ever that we elect candidates who are strong allies for working people. I hope you will join us. Register here.

In solidarity, Lee Saunders PRESIDENT


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AFSCME Local 2432

2734 Hollywood Boulevard

Hollywood, Florida 33020



Tel: 954-381-1519

We are available in person by appointment: On the South Side of Hollywood Boulevard just west of 26th Avenue behind the old Town Drug. There is plenty of parking at the rear of the building.

The Union Hall is now only open by appointment. Please contact your staff (posted on union boards) for any issues.

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