January was a busy month as we continue towards moving forward:
We have reached a settlement in the Code Enforcement Officer “schedule change to avoid overtime” grievance. –> Code Enforcement Grievance Settlement_sched changes
President Chris Cassidy has asked that the City restore the remaining 1.1% for general fund employees who were affected by Financial Urgency prior to the upcoming contract negotiations.–> Gen Fund emp 1.1 restoration
We continue to attend the Pension Board meetings and await an answer to whether the City will pay the negotiated “13th check” benefit to current retirees and fund the benefit for future retirees. Please see the attached letter to the City Manager regarding comments made at the last Pension meeting by Matt Lalla, the Board’s Treasurer and City Finance Director. –> CM-Lalla-13-chk
Evergreen Study – Professional and Supervisory group employees should have sent your job description feedback to reps Barbara Armand and Larry Breighner this week. We’ll be submitting the info to H.R. and provide an update soon.