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Jobs Saved!

AFSCME Brother and Sisters,

Our E-Board was recently notified of several part-time positions being eliminated resulting in layoffs in the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department.

We promptly filed a demand with the City to bargain over its decision, and the potential devastating impact that would have on our fellow employees.

Since we were not able to save those jobs through bargaining, we attended the City’s budget hearing this week, and made sure that the City Commissioners were aware of this situation. After nearly 1.5 tense hours of debate, the Commissioners approved the budget, but gave clear instruction to the City Manager and his staff to find a way to save these jobs.

This is exactly why we are all members of AFSCME Local 2432. This time, the City Commission heard us loud and clear. We may not always succeed, but as you can obviously see, we fight hard for our membership.


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