Do you remember way back in May of this year when the City spent a substantial sum of money to survey a bunch of different people on what the City could do better?
Yeah, not many other people do either.
When the results came out there wasn’t anything that anyone didn’t already know…. Management thinks they are great, the employees think Management is the problem, Businesses think Code Enforcement is too harsh, Residents think Code needs to go after more businesses.
One of the items to come out of the presentation was this little bullet point:
Develop a focused plan to improve employee morale
What did the City do?
Created a Committee.
The City put together a group of employees to go around and “…Establish a menu of appropriate, meaningful means to recognize and reward employees for exceptional contributions to the City.”
The City used to have something just like that…. they were called Merit Increases. It used to be that if you did a good job then you would get a raise. The better your performance the bigger your raise.
Ahh…. the good ‘ol days. Back when we were valued as employees and excellence was rewarded.