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E911 Regionalization – Update

Here is an update regarding the E911 REgionalization. It still isn’t what you would call concrete answers, but at least it is an update.

E911 Regionalization Questions

Q: When will the County meet with employees?

A: Human Resources requested the County meet with employees to address concerns. They stated that as part of their communication plan, they will be scheduling meetings with the PSAP employees on each shift. This will likely happen after they announce the operator of the Consolidated Regional System.


Q: Can AFSCME or City say no to City employees having to work out of the Pines Station 101 (19700 Stirling Rd) in August or September? This will create severe staffing issues!

A: This may no longer be an issue.

Q: Is Regionalization a definite go by October 1?

A: As far as we know -YES.

Q: When will we get bumping lists? Will we get a description of the specific jobs will will be bumping into before making our decisions (not just the vague description of the job)?

A: “Bumping” Lists will likely be distributed in August -all depends on the County’s timeline. Many job descriptions are available on the City’s website. We plan to have the employee meet with the Dept Dir/Mgr to get a full description/expectation of the position they are looking to bump into.

Q: Since this is not our choice, would the City be willing to payout all our sick time at 70% even if the employee doesn’t have 10 years in? How about 100% as an incentive not to call in sick before regionalization happens, which will protect from severe understaffing.

A: Looking into it.

Q: Will Tele Is who do not want to dispatch still have a job with the County?

A: Our understanding is that the County is offering positions to all Teles.

Q: Can someone (who has a qualifying event) opt to retire from City and collect their pension, but still go to BSO with all the same options?

A: If by qualifying event you mean has reached normal retirement -then yes. They could retire from the City and go work for the County.

Q: If someone cannot bump and opt to take a layoff and not go to BSO, will they be eligible to collect unemployment?

A: We believe so, but you may want to inquire with the Office of Unemployment.

Q: Do we have an assurance that the County will take our employees who are not yet 911 Certified with the same options?

A: No information from the County yet.

Q: Will Communications Personnel be given special consideration in openings within the City between now and whenever regionalization occurs?

A: Employees are. encouraged to apply for any open positions they feel they are qualified to do. Some vacancies are being held open ­however, the City is continuing to fill positions as needed.

Q: How many people are on the current recall list? Where would we fallon the existing list? At the bottom, into the list by seniority?

A: You will have “first” rights to the position you are currently in. If there is an open position that is lower than your current pay grade but higher that the pay grade you opt to bump into and there is no one currently on that position’s recall list, you may be recalled into that classification.

Q: As far as the Teletype position: is the City taking into account that most senior people who will probably take those positions have a minimum of 7 weeks vacation? (15 people x 7 weeks = 105 weeks … At all times, at least 2 people will be on vacation every week, making operator staff really 11, not 13. Is that enough staffing? That doesn’t account for any sick or personal time.

A: Teletype has not been finalized.

Q: If overtime is available in the new Teletype position, will those who bump to other areas in the City be eligible to work it?

A: No

Q: Call Out for Teletype is going to be a minimum of 12 weeks, which is an issue that caused so many to quit already. Is that enough staffing?

A: Teletype has not been finalized.

Q: Will Teletype be considered essential with regard to Hurricane obilization? if so, how will that work?

A: Yes -no different than how it works today.

Q: Is there anyone in the City who understands FRS that we can talk to one-on-one or as a group to fully understand benefits there? Or can we get someone to come in to explain?

A: Once the County establishes who will run 911 Services, someone will come out to explain FRS/options.

Q: What guarantees do we have that the County will take everyone? What are the ‘stipulations’?

A: We have been advised that the County will have positions for all Tele employees. No “stipulations” have been disclosed yet.

Q: Will the County take our current Supervisors as Supervisors?

A: It is our understanding that all employees will be offered positions, however, the County will have the choice on who fills what position.

Q: Will the City be ready to payout our time balances on Oct. 1 if this does actually happen then? (Oct. 1 is a Tuesday, next payday is Friday, Oct. 4).

A: It all depends on PAs and the timing of the pay period. No one will receive the payouts on Oct 1st since this is a Tuesday and not a payroll date.

Q: Will vacations scheduled after October 1 be honored for anyone who remains with the City? What about Teletype personnel?

A: The City will try to work with employees, however nothing can be guaranteed.

Q: For those who bump elsewhere in the City, will they be able to use Holiday/Vacation banked time throughout the City?

A: Not sure.

PDF of the materials provided by HR.

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