On Tuesday, December 11th, we have a Ratification Vote scheduled on the changes the Commissioners imposed on our contracts because of Fiscal Urgency in Fiscal Year 2012.
On Thursday, December 13th, we have a Ratification Vote scheduled on the changes imposed on our contracts from the Wage Re-opener finalized and approved by the Commission in September.
Both days the voting is from 7:00 a.m until 7:00 p.m. and immediately after the voting hours the ballots will be counted and the results announced.
If you need any more information about either of these Ratification Votes ask your Shop Steward or any of the Officers of the Executive Board. The changes to the contracts will available for review at the Union Hall on their respective days.

Click to enlarge either image.
And speaking of elections, don’t forget Officer Elections are on December 4th!