Local 2432 Brothers and Sisters,
Below are highlights from the new contract which we’ll be bringing to you for a ratification vote soon:
The Evergreen Study will be implemented for all three bargaining units which merges pay grades (no more General/Enterprise/Tier A/Tier B). Employees have started receiving letters explaining their individual classification change and wage info. All employees should receive their letter within the next week.
October 2015 :
2.5% Wage Increase
1.5% Merit Increase
October 2016:
2.5% Wage Increase
1.5% Merit Increase
October 2017:
1% Wage Increase
0.5% additional wage increase if Pension funding meets threshold
30 years and out for those covered under the new normal retirement date calculation. An employee would have had to work until age 60 regardless of when hired (example: 20 year old currently has to work 40 years to retire)
No employee premium increase, FSA card was increased (ratified December 2015)
No health insurance coverage in retirement for employees hired after ratification
We are working towards a ratification date of April 5, 2016. The proposed contracts will be posted on the website very soon for members to review.