Officers of AFSCME Local 2432 attended the Broward AFL-CIO legislative breakfast this past Saturday where they received updates about bills being proposed in Tallahassee that will impact workers statewide. The most egregious bill being proposed is House Bill 25 introduced by Rep. Scott Plakon (R) which should be called the “De-certify Your Union” bill.
This bill seeks to make it much easier for you to lose your union representation in bargaining for wages and benefits by automatically de-certifying local unions and requiring that they re-certify from scratch when membership falls under 50%. The bill is going to Senate committee on this Tuesday, December 5th @ 10:30 AM. Please contact the Florida Senate now to stop this new attack on labor unions which represent working families in Florida.
Read The Bill Text
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Pictures from the Broward AFL-CIO Legislative Breakfast

2017 Broward AFL-CIO Legislative Breakfast

2017 Broward AFL-CIO Legislative Breakfast

2017 Broward AFL-CIO Legislative Breakfast

2017 Broward AFL-CIO Legislative Breakfast