On behalf of the Hollywood Municipal Employees, AFSCME Local 2432, we are happy to announce that we endorse the following candidates in the upcoming November 3rd 2020 Hollywood Municipal Election.
District 2- Peter Hernandez – http://www.peterforhollywood.com/
District 6 – Linda Sherwood – https://www.facebook.com/linda.sherwood.167
Please contact Siana Lakhan at 954-381-1519 for signs and if you’d like to volunteer. Note: If you call please leave a detailed message and I will get back to you.
You can also email me at siana.lakhan@local2432.com with your information.
We will also need volunteers to help at the polls during early voting and on election day. If possible, are asking for four (4) hours of your time to get involved during this very important election season.
In Solidarity,
Siana Lakhan – Secretary
AFSCME Local 2432